Connecteur COZY permettant de récupérer et stocker ses factures Enercoop.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

преди 6 години
преди 6 години
преди 6 години
преди 6 години
преди 6 години
преди 6 години
преди 6 години
преди 6 години
преди 6 години
преди 6 години
преди 6 години
преди 6 години
преди 6 години
  1. const moment = require('moment')
  2. const {log, BaseKonnector, saveBills, requestFactory} = require('cozy-konnector-libs')
  3. const baseUrl = ''
  4. const loginUrl = baseUrl + '/login'
  5. const billUrl = baseUrl + '/mon-espace/factures/'
  6. moment.locale('fr')
  7. let rq = requestFactory({
  8. cheerio: true,
  9. json: false,
  10. debug: false,
  11. jar: true
  12. })
  13. module.exports = new BaseKonnector(function fetch (fields) {
  14. return logIn(fields)
  15. .then(parsePage)
  16. .then(entries => saveBills(entries, fields.folderPath, {
  17. timeout: + 60 * 1000,
  18. identifiers: ['Enercoop']
  19. }))
  20. })
  21. // Procedure to login to Enercoop website.
  22. function logIn (fields) {
  23. const form = {
  24. email: fields.login,
  25. password: fields.password,
  26. }
  27. const options = {
  28. url: loginUrl,
  29. method: 'POST',
  30. form: form,
  31. resolveWithFullResponse: true,
  32. followAllRedirects: true,
  33. simple: false
  34. }
  35. return rq(options)
  36. .then(res => {
  37. const isNot200 = res.statusCode !== 200
  38. if (isNot200) {
  39. log('info', 'Authentification error')
  40. throw new Error('LOGIN_FAILED')
  41. }
  42. const url = `${billUrl}`
  43. return rq(url)
  44. .catch(err => {
  45. console.log(err, 'authentication error details')
  46. throw new Error('LOGIN_FAILED')
  47. })
  48. })
  49. }
  50. // Parse the fetched DOM page to extract bill data.
  51. function parsePage ($) {
  52. const bills = []
  53. $('.invoice-line').each(function () {
  54. //one bill per line = a <li> with 'invoice-id' data-attr
  55. let billId = $(this).data('invoice-id')
  56. let amount = $(this).find('.amount').text()
  57. amount = amount.replace('€','')
  58. amount = amount.replace(',', '.').trim()
  59. amount = parseFloat(amount)
  60. //gets pdf download URL
  61. let pdfUrl = $(this).find('a > i').data('url')
  62. pdfUrl = baseUrl + pdfUrl
  63. //<French month>-YYYY format (Décembre - 2017)
  64. let billDate = $(this).find('.invoiceDate').text().trim()
  65. let monthAndYear = billDate.split('-')
  66. let billYear = monthAndYear[0].trim()
  67. let billMonth = monthAndYear[1].trim()
  68. billMonth = moment.months().indexOf(billMonth.toLowerCase()) + 1
  69. billMonth = billMonth < 10 ? '0' + billMonth : billMonth
  70. let date = moment(billYear + billMonth, 'YYYYMM')
  71. let bill = {
  72. amount,
  73. date: date.toDate(),
  74. vendor: 'Enercoop',
  75. filename: `${date.format('YYYYMM')}_enercoop.pdf`,
  76. fileurl: pdfUrl
  77. }
  78. bills.push(bill)
  79. })
  80. return bills
  81. }