# Karadhoc - Kôtelettes App ## Getting started ### Install dependencies ⏬ ```bash npm install ``` ### Start developing ⚒️ ```bash npm run dev ``` ## Additional Commands ```bash npm run dev # starts application with hot reload npm run build # builds application, distributable files can be found in "dist" folder # OR npm run build:win # uses windows as build target npm run build:mac # uses mac as build target npm run build:linux # uses linux as build target ``` Optional configuration options can be found in the [Electron Builder CLI docs](https://www.electron.build/cli.html). ## Project Structure ```bash - scripts/ # all the scripts used to build or serve your application, change as you like. - src/ - main/ # Main thread (Electron application source) - renderer/ # Renderer thread (VueJS application source) ``` ## Using static files If you have any files that you want to copy over to the app directory after installation, you will need to add those files in your `src/main/static` directory. #### Referencing static files from your main process ```ts /* Assumes src/main/static/myFile.txt exists */ import {app} from 'electron'; import {join} from 'path'; import {readFileSync} from 'fs'; const path = join(app.getAppPath(), 'static', 'myFile.txt'); const buffer = readFileSync(path); ```